About Us

About us

With the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic we see almost complete global lockdown. Most industries are heavily impacted and from mid-February 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO)  have defined the situation as global pandemic.

Whilst most people are worried commercially about what’s going to happen tomorrow and how we will all recover from the situation, we wanted to slowly collect information from as many countries as we can about the aid that each government provides to individuals, self-employed and businesses. We will add content on regular basis and will update it as this is dynamic and things may change.

If you cannot see info to your country, please visit us again soon and if you want to contribute content and links, please email us to [email protected]

If you’ve written an interesting article about the topic and would like us to share or if you’ve visited relevant and useful website that you would like us to link, please email us.

Stay Home, Keep Distance, Stay Safe and Healthy