Uber & Bolt join the incentive campaigns for vaccination in the UK

 Uber & Bolt join the incentive campaigns for vaccination in the UK

Extensive campaigns started from businesses towards the vaccination. For instance, in the UK, Uber and Deliveroo decided to give discounts to vaccinated users. The pressure is growing from the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, about the covid-19 passport. To get the maximum results during the vaccination campaigns, the UK government had an exciting idea. UK residents will get cheap Taxi rates and up to 50% from the food delivery companies. Uber and Deliveroo were the first to join the campaigns.

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Incentives to drive up the vaccination rate in the UK

The number of daily cases in the UK is not satisfying. More people get infected by the Delta variant, and it’s the most dangerous mutation. We don’t have an exact vaccine against the Delta variant, but there are ‘booster’ doses to help older people against the mutation. The UK officials decided to use incentives to drive up the number of vaccinated people. Two jabs of the vaccine are enough to get covid-19 passports. With the covid-19 passport, residents will attend football matches, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Statistics are concerning

The young generation is not putting much effort into vaccination. Stats show that only half of the 18-25 y/o residents of the UK got at least one vaccine shot. In the last few weeks, the young generation has lost interest in vaccination. That’s why officials believe that incentives are the answer. Uber and Bolt’s services already joined the movement. Along with car services, Deliveroo will be the first from the food-delivery industry to help the UK government promote vaccination.

Statistics are really concerning. Experts are really confused by the increased number of covid-19 cases in UK